Anwesha Sahu
Anwesha Sahu is a PhD researcher at the University of Warwick, specializing in accretion and outflows in extreme astrophysical environments. She earned her BSc and MSci degrees from the University of Birmingham in 2023, where her MSci dissertation focused on applying machine learning techniques to radio astronomy. During her time at Birmingham, she was actively involved in AstroSoc, serving as both chair and outreach officer, and played a key role in organizing numerous talks and outreach events. Anwesha is passionate about science communication and frequently delivers talks on various astronomical topics.
When she’s not immersed in her research, Anwesha enjoys sharing anecdotes about her beloved guinea pigs and writing articles on a range of topics. For more information about her research, visit her profile at the University of Warwick. You can also explore her articles and other interests on her personal website.
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Thursday, 6th June 2024 - Shy, Unpredictable & Greedy Stars