Variable stars and how to find them in your images.
Society Meeting
Thursday, 2nd September 2021 (19:45 - 22:00)
Venue: Virtual Meeting
As I have found the subject of variable stars very complicated. My presentation covers the basics of Cepheid and Mira variables. Who discovered them what they can be used for, How E Hubble used them , brief description of the characteristics of variables ,building blocks of life from the death of a super giant red star. Examples of variable stars I have found in my images and techniques I used to detect them. As a spin off from those I briefly cover Cygnus X-1 the black hole where I was imaging for variables near the tulip nebula.Â
Speaker: Trevor Worrall
Since my school days, astronomy has piqued my attention. A 60mm refractor was my very first telescope. I remember the first foggy views of Saturn with a barlow lens and perhaps a 6mm eyepiece; Saturn certainly moved quickly across that field of vision. And of course, a wood manual mount bought from the long-since closed Dixons company. In those early days, there was only one TV programme dedicated to astronomy, and I can still recall binge-watching all the Sky at Night episodes I could stay up for. Time travel to the future, Sylvia and I were seeking for a good location to see a meteor shower when we stumbled upon the Hoober stand and the J. A. Jones Observatory. After only one phone chat with our chairman Les, I was completely hooked! I had a brief term as an observation officer, which I really enjoyed, and I loved the public outreach activities even more.
Learn more about Trevor Worrall