Our Mission
The aims and objectives of the Society are to provide a programme of astronomical events and activities that will be organised for the benefit, enjoyment and education of the public and the membership. This programme will include Astronomical observation, lectures, visits by guest speakers, visits to other Societies and places of interest, and discussions on related topics.
The Society also aims to promote and advance public education in the science of Astronomy within, generally, the Dearne Valley area. We will endeavour to visit all those who request our help or services. We shall visit schools and community groups to provide narrated slide shows and any further help that may be requested.
The observatory, and any other facilities that are forthcoming in the future, will be available to the membership, clubs, schools and the general public desiring education in Astronomy under the supervision of the Society. There may be activities suggested by the membership that will forward the spread of knowledge of Astronomy and associated sciences within the area.